


Wilmington Sponsors Lenten Reflection at Historic Site


The Wilmington Region sponsored a Lenten Reflection at the IHM Conference Center in Bryn Mawr, PA on Saturday, Feb. 27th. Rev. Joseph McQuaide, the associate chaplain for Wilmington, offered Mass and reflection throughout the morning. The readings and homily focused on the Prodigal Son and message of mercy, so appropriate in the Year of Mercy.


The region’s new Auxiliary member James Griffin was the altar server at Mass, and provided beautiful song and responses throughout. Confessions were available, and participants were invited to continue their prayers and reflections generally throughout the building and on the grounds.


Located in Wooten Mansion on the grounds of St. Aloysius Academy for Boys, the IHM Conference Center is managed by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Wooten was designed by the architect John McArthur who also designed Philadelphia City Hall. Wooten was originally built for George W. Childs, the publisher of the Philadelphia Ledger newspaper and a partner of Anthony Drexel.  The second owner of the house was his godson, George W. Childs Drexel, whose cousin was St. Katherine Drexel.  St Katherine Drexel was a frequent visitor, as were many US presidents, politicians and Philadelphia and international friends of the families. The IHM Sisters established St. Aloysius Academy in 1895, and acquired the property in 1950. It continues as the only private Catholic Boys School on the Main Line of Philadelphia.