


The Federal Association has Knights and Dames in over 35 cities nationwide. As membership has grown in these areas, we have created regions to facilitate ongoing spiritual and volunteer activities for members. Each region is coordinated by a Hospitaller - a Knight or Dame assigned to the area and responsible for the organization of membership-related events, Masses, and activities.

There are individual pages for each of the existing Federal Association Hospitaller Regions. Click on the name of a region to view the activities and contacts for that area. Each region has its own calendar and the ability to add news articles, upcoming events, and photos.



Association Hospitaller - Jane Lanier



Atlanta, GA - Patricia Turpin

Baltimore, MD - John White

Central NC - Siliva Rodriguez

Central Texas - Todd Wilkens

Charlotte, NC - Ellen Linares

Chicago, IL - Suzanne Nelson

Columbus, OH - Brian and Teresa Kenney

Dallas, TX - Richard Kelly

Des Moines, IA - Tom Moreland

Hartford, CT - Jennifer Orzell

Houston, TX - Cathy Hotze

Jacksonville, FL - Patrick Hutton

Kansas City, MO - Douglas and Joanna Rivard

Lafayette, LA - Paul and Marla David

Memphis, TN - Paula Sullivan

Milwaukee, WI - Beth Hanan

Montgomery County, MD - Barbara Ritschel

New Orleans, LA - Felix Julius Sternfels

Northern Virginia - Kevin Fischer

Oklahoma City - Jason Zimdars

Philadelphia, PA - Robert Macri

Pittsburgh, PA - Michael DeVanney

Richmond, VA - John McCulla

Southern MD - Brandon Brown

Syracuse, NY - Tom Valenti

Tallahassee, FL - Gary Printy

Washington, DC - Diane Oakley

Wilmington, DE - Kevin Holleran



Bluffton - Joseph Krygiel

Charleston - Patrick Burns

Nashville - Philip Mauro and Anthony Falcone

Pensacola - William Janis

Raleigh - Charles Cornelio

Savannah - Marguerite Baxter


Our regional hospitallers play a significant role in developing and sustaining the mission of our Order. Because this role is so important to our Association, the Board of Directors approved a new method to select regional hospitallers that is based on suggestions by the local region's members and the Association Hospitaller's discernment and due diligence.

Log in at the top left of the page to the members area of the website, where you can read this document in full.