


Whether a supporter is a Knight, Dame, or neither, all contributions to the Annual Stewardship Appeal are used to support programs that provide a direct and meaningful service to the poor and sick, or to support programs that aim to educate our members and others in their Catholic faith so they can better know, live, and defend the faith.

The Grants Committee provides financial and material support to health clinics, soup kitchens and food distribution centers, home repair and other relief programs in the United States and overseas. Special care is taken to ensure that no grant funds are used to help with overhead or administrative expenses.

The Defense of the Faith Committee supports educational initiatives that aim to support and strengthen the Catholic faith – in individuals and in the communities we serve.

In addition, since 2014, a portion of the Annual Stewardship Appeal has been used each year to underwrite the costs associated with bringing malades and their companions (at no cost) on the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes.


Please click the “Donate” button below. With a few clicks you can make your contribution with your credit card or Bank account.


Please make it payable to: Order of Malta – Federal Association

And mail to :

Order of Malta
P.O. Box 223132
Chantilly, VA 20153-3132


Gifts of appreciated securities—including a publicly traded and privately held stock and mutual funds—offer a two-fold tax savings because you are then entitled to take a charitable deduction for the full current value of appreciated securities (held longer than one year), and also avoid paying the capital gains tax that would be due if you sold the securities.

To initiate a transfer of securities held by a brokerage or commercial bank, notify your broker or bank that you intend to electronically transfer the securities to the Federal Association. Please also notify the office at 202.331.2494 to ensure your gift is properly received and attributed.

Account Name: Sovereign Mil Ord Malta Fed Assc Gft IM 

DTC Participant #: 2139

DTC Broker: The Glenmede Trust Company, NA

Agent Bank#: 12286

Institutional ID#: 12286

Account #: 2584-01-4/6.1

Federal Association Federal Tax ID#: 52-1113253



Your employer or your spouse's employer may offer a program that matches charitable gifts. Matching gifts can double or even triple the impact of your gift to the Annual Appeal. To find out whether your company has a matching gifts program you may call their human resources department. To initiate a matching gift, complete your employer's matching gift form and send it along with your donation.

Should you need any assistance, please contact Annie Storck, Stewardship Coordinator, at 202.331.2494.

Consider Making a Gift from your Retirement Account

If you are 70 ½ years and older you may donate up to $100,000 from your individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and Roth IRAs to the Federal Association as a charitable nonprofits without having to treat the withdrawals as taxable income. The giving incentive is of particular value to individuals who do not claim itemized deductions on their tax return because the funds are sent directly to nonprofits from IRA accounts and are never counted as income.