Thanks to your generous support the organizations below recently benefited from the Federal Association's Annual Stewardship Appeal.
Grants In Your Region
Pregnancy Aid Center
Roswell, GA

Pregnancy Aid Clinic is a life affirming clinic which provides at pregnancy and parental support to women in need of care. PAC has three clinics in Atlanta where they offer their clients medical and educational support. At these clinics, women and their families learn a varierty of life and parenting skills. PAC serves members of the Atlanta community regardless of race, religion, or financial circumstance.
Franciscan Center of Baltimore
Ellicot City, MD
Founded in 1968, Franciscan Center of Baltimore's mission is to provide emergency assistance to the less fortunate of Baltimore, helping them to see their life through the eyes of the Lord. Franciscan Center of Baltimore provides between 400-600 homemade meals a day using fresh ingredients, in part from farms in the region.
Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart
Towson, MD

The Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart are pastoral counselors, social workers, directors of religious education and leaders in the field of telecommunications and internet education. The Federal Association provided them a wheelchair van to transport disabled and infirm sisters.
My Sister's Place
Baltimore, MD

My Sister’s Place Women’s Center serves over 100 meals a day, provides daytime shelter, as well as the direct services that homeless women and their children need to begin the journey to economic stability. A Federal Association grant recently purchased the Center new washers and dryers that are reported to do at least 10 loads a day. They have said it has been a huge improvement over their old home-use models.
Shepherd's Clinic
Baltimore, MD

The mission of Shepherd’s Clinic is to provide quality health care for Baltimore’s uninsured. The Order of Malta grant was used for the purchase of much needed medical supplies, equipment and streamlining/maintaining their security system. An example of those supplies is they were able to purchase a year’s supply of glucose test strips, allowing patients to self-monitor their blood sugars without incurring the prohibitively high expense. Additionally, they purchased flex pens for the administration of insulin, which is particularly important for patients with sight impairment or nerve damage which are frequent complications of severe diabetes.
St. Agnes Hospital Foundation
Baltimore, MD

For over 150 years the Daughters of Charity and the physicians of Saint Agnes Hospital have delivered exceptional care to generations of Marylanders.
Devoted to healthcare that leaves no one behind, Saint Agnes provides $10-$15 million in charity care and community benefits each year. It manages more than 235,000 patient visits annually. In addition, the Saint Agnes Foundation awards community grants including those that support terminally ill patients, homeless adults and educational and crisis needs of associates and patients
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Easton, MD

Founded in 1833 in Paris France, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international organization whose mission is "To see in those in need the face of Christ." Locally, SVDP is part of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Parish. They are completely volunteer run with no paid staff. Over 200 volunteers work out of their 5,000 square foot facility in Easton. They help individuals and families in Talbot County, Maryland where they operate a food pantry, thrift center--with used clothing, housewares and furniture--and provide financial assistance, for clients needing money for rent, utility bills, medical costs and other expenses. Thanks to the support of our Annual Appeal the center was able to purchase a generator to provide power during emergencies.
Central North Carolina
Room at the Inn
Greensboro, NC
Room at the Inn provides housing and programs to pregnant women and single mothers with children. All clients are homeless at time of program entry and at poverty level incomes. Our programs are designed to help the mothers experience healthy births, transition to their own housing, complete educational/vocational programs and to secure employment. A grant from the Federal Association is funding child care for seven mothers while they undergo job training programs.
The cost and availability of childcare is a significant barrier in Guilford County. To provide support with childcare, we will offer childcare scholarships to maternity home graduates who obtain employment or enroll in vocational/education programs. These scholarships will enable those in education programs to attend classes and interview for jobs. For those who obtain jobs, these scholarships will temporarily bridge the gap in time until they are able to obtain state-funded child care subsidies. These scholarships will be paid directly to licensed, star-rated child care facilities of the mother’s choice that are located near her home, school, or workplace as appropriate.
Holy Angels
Charlotte, NC
Holy Angels sponsored minsitry within the Sisters of Mercy South Central Community as well as a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Holy Angels serves 101 individuals, ages varying from infant to geriatric, all of whom suffer from intellectual and physical developmental dissabilities. These disabilites include cerebral palsy, cortical blindness, and traumatic brain injuries, leaving many of Holy Angels' residents in a "medically fragile" state, requiring 24-hour nursing care at their Morrow Center.
In 2024, Holy Angels received a grant from the Federal Association to help cover the cost of specialized swim equipment (two trolley's, two lifts, 16 slings, aqcuatic wheelchairs, and specialized flotation devices). This allowed Holy Angels' resident's to use the facility's aqcuatic center for theraputic and recreational purposes, regardless of the impairments they may have. Upon receipt of this grant, Holy Angels sent a letter showing their gratitude: “We are ever so thankful for your faithful support and your commitment to ensure that those we serve have the highest quality of life. You continue to bless us!"
Catholic Charities
Chicago, IL

The Catholic Charities of Chicago is a major charity of the Archdiocese with substantial involvement of Malta members living in the Chicago area. Catholic Charities operates a wide variety of services for Chicago's poor, including a number of soup kitchens. Pictured is a truck that was purchased with a grant from the Federal Association featuring the order's cross.
Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach
Springfield, IL(HQ) - Congo, Jamaica, Egypt
The Sisters serve the sick and the poor with a medical supply and equipment recovery program (recover, repackage and distribute life-saving medical supplies and equipment to the poorest countries worldwide)
Mission of Our Lady of the Angels
Chicago, IL

A Catholic outreach to the poor on the West Side of Chicago, IL. The mission aims to bring Christ's love to the poor via needed material assistance and direct evangelization.
They assist about 700 families per month with good, healthy food. The normal family size is 4. They have about 130 children each afternoon in the after school program, and then several hundred are involved in various activities like basketball leagues, public speaking, art, dance, poetry through programs offered at Kelly Hall. They also have
about 25 seniors each Tuesday from 10 AM till 1:30 PM for exercise, computer class, Bible study, lunch and arts/crafts.
Women's Care Center Peoria
Peoria, IL
The Women’s Care Center (WCC) is a Catholic nonprofit organization that ministers to women facing unplanned pregnancies, by equipping them with the information and services needed to choose life for their unborn babies. Located immediately next door to a very active abortion clinic, the WCC directly offers women free, confidential walk-in services, including ultrasounds and counseling, to prevent them from following through on plans to abort their children. Many abortion-minded women who receive WCC services choose life for their babies. WCC clients who choose life receive access to a wide variety of ongoing services including counseling, prenatal education, birth preparation, prenatal vitamins, community referrals, parenting skills classes, adoption education, baby care training, and Catholic-based abstinence education. All the programs are incentive-based, so parents earn free cribs, car seats, diapers, and baby items by participating in education.
Every penny of the Federal Association’s grant is being used to purchase new car seats, cribs, and crib mattresses for the Crib Club, along with many other baby needs that we have been unable to offer due to lack of funding. Items such as bouncy chairs, boppy pillows, car seat covers, baby monitors, protective items (baby gates, etc.), high chairs, maternity clothing, new infant and toddler clothing, just to name a few. Our crib store is in constant need of replenishment and this grant will allow us to serve our many existing clients as well as reach out to new ones.
Order of Malta Center of Care
Columbus, OH

The Order of Malta Center of Care is the new signature work of the Columbus Region of the Federal Association. Its projects will be carried out entirely by the members of the Columbus Region and associated volunteers. The center currently operates a free clinic to serve the sick and the poor in Central Ohio, and will eventually include dental checkups, healthcare fairs, and grooming services as well. Equipment provided by the Federal Association Grants Program has made its medical screenings possible.
Feed the Hungry
Dallas. TX

Feed the Hungry is a non-profit organization dedicated to the sole purpose of securing, delivering and serving warm meals to those in need of food. Since 1994 Dallas Region Knights and Dames meet every Saturday morning to purchase and serve food at a vacant lot in a poor area in Dallas, Texas. With your support of the 2014 Annual Appeal, this charity was able to receive a total grant of $17,500 to provide food, paper plates, and medical supplies to the poor and sick.
These are the poorest of the poor and often have nothing to eat that day. Most have nothing; many bring all their worldly goods with them when they come for a meal. These are people who have mental, social, or physical issues and disabilities. Many are undocumented immigrants, including children, ex-convicts, addicts and abusers, prostitutes, and homeless. But, each is numbered among the ones Christ called on us to help. Feed the Hungry does so even though it is only in the form of a hot meal.
Malta House of Care
Hartford, CT
Their mission is to provide free primary health care to the uninsured. They deliver that health care through operation of a mobile care vehicle that has a fixed schedule in four distinct neighborhoods across the City of Hartford. Coupled with coordinated communication efforts at schools, homeless shelters, parishes and churches, community outreach and ready access to those who are most in need is assured.
The Malta House of Care Mobile Medical Clinic has been key in responding to the plight of the uninsured in the Greater Hartford CT region for the past five years. Through a dedicated cadre of physician, nurse and non-medical volunteers, the Malta House of Care Mobile Medical Clinic has provided over 24,800 patient visits over that time period with 2,200 individuals identifying Malta House of Care as their only medical home.
Catholic Charities
Galveston-Houston, TX

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston provides a comprehensive network of social services aimed at promoting and facilitating self-sufficiency. They offer support and opportunities that empower people and communities to grow and thrive. Their goal is to provide life-changing services that lead to productive, fulfilling, and independent lives.
Mamie George Community Center
Richmond, TX
Houston Catholic Charities runs the Mamie George Community Center in a poor neighborhood just outside the city of Houston to nurture and care for children, strengthen low-income families, support refugees and immigrants, and promote independence for seniors. Members of the Houston region of the Federal Association partner with the center to lead the Food Fair every month.
Martha's Kitchen
Houston, TX

Martha’s Kitchen is dedicated to Christ’s call to love one another and to actively fulfill the basic physical and spiritual needs of those who need our help. It opened in 1992. They prepare, serve and clean up after the hot nutritious lunches are served to 350 to 400 hungry men, women and children. Although some contributions come from large corporations 7 out of every 10 dollars of the money essential to keeping this ministry going come from the Sunday collection at St. Martha's. And despite the fact that the Kitchen gets as much food as possible from the Houston Food Bank, the majority of it must be purchased from other sources. The Federal Association assisted Martha's Kitchen by purchasing $10,000 worth of new tables and chairs.
San Jose Apartments
Jacksonville, FL
San Jose Apartments are managed by the Catholic Family Housing Management Company. Located in Duval County, Florida, San Jose Apartments consist of two buildings with 99 apartments. Residents of this low-income HUD apartment complex are in their 70’s and 80’s, and have an annual income of $15,450 or less. While these seniors are fortunate to have a home, they lack the resources for much else. Some even suffer from anxiety if they leave the safe space of their home. Because of this, often the seniors at the San Jose Apartments become isolated, rarely leaving their apartment, because there are no means for them to travel anywhere else.
To get the seniors out of their apartments and give them much needed human connection with their neighbors, San Jose Apartments added a beautiful outdoor space including a gazebo in 2005. For nearly fifteen years, the seniors of the San Jose Apartments enjoyed their gazebo as a space for them to socialize and enjoy nature together. In 2019, the management at the San Jose Apartments was saddened to learn the useful life of the gazebo was over, and that it had to be either significantly renovated or replaced, despite their diligent care of the gazebo.
The local Knights and Dames feel so passionately about the need for this gazebo, that they have volunteered to make it even more beautiful once it is renovated. They have pledged to provide landscaping and beautiful flowers all around the gazebo for the seniors to enjoy. Together, we can provide a lasting, beautiful space for these seniors to continue enjoying nature, just outside their front door. Together with a grant from the Federal Association, they are helping to restore the gazebo and surrounding space for the residents of San Jose Apartments.
Family Housing Management Company, Inc.
Jacksonville, FL
Family Housing Management Company, Inc. was founded in 1986 as a nonprofit within the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida, to offer housing to the Diocese's elderly and differently abled. Family Housing Management Company goes beyond housing the disadvantaged population in their region, they work to ensure the needs of their clients are met, creating a happy, healthy, and safe living environment. Each year, approximately 350 low-income senior citizens are served by Family Housing Management Company and their work. Besides Housing, FHMC gives their residents access to local health fairs at Catholic Hospitals, Arts and Crafts nights, and Fundraisers to continue their life-affriming activities!
Kansas City
Bishop Sullivan Center
Kansas City, MO
The Bishop Sullivan Center includes two food pantries serving over 1,300 families each month, a Community Kitchen serving hot meals to about 280 people five nights a week, emergency assistance for rent, utilities, and other basic needs, air conditioners for indigent elderly, food delivery to the homebound elderly, clothing services, and employment services which support more than 165 people.
Catholic Charities
Northeast, KS

Founded in 1956, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas provides a wide range of programs and services to those in need in their 21 county service area. Their vision is to help neighbors who are challenged by poverty of mind, body, and spirit find the open door of Catholic Charities in their communities and meet them with hospitality and hope. They do this through their three pillars of service: family stabilization, family strengthening, and healthcare. The Annual Appeal helped renovate the sleeping quarters of their men's homeless shelter, Shalom House, which opens its doors to 25 men of all faiths each day. The men are encouraged to access community resources that will help them develop a plan to return to self-sufficiency.
Christmas in October
Kansas City, MO

Christmas in October's mission is to bring volunteers and communities in the Kansas City area together to improve the homes and lives of low-income, elderly, disabled, and veteran homeowners. The idea for Christmas in October began with two local members of the Order of Malta, Dick Miller and John McMeel. Back in 1982, both men traveled to Washington, D.C., where the popular Cardinal James Hickey invested them into the Order. The Cardinal’s words, that they were becoming knights not for what they had done, but for what they were going to do, resonated with both Miller and McMeel. The two friends participated in a home renovation project in Washington, D.C. with other members of the Order of Malta. Going home, they decided to start something similar in Kansas City. Now, over thirty years later, thousands of volunteers spend two Saturdays every October to repair the homes of the elderly, the disabled, and people who could not afford to do necessary repairs themselves. 8,000 homes have been renovated over the years, with a supporting grant provided by the Federal Association of the Order of Malta.
Duchesne Clinic
Leavenworth, KS
Saint Vincent and Duchesne Clinics are doctors' offices for the uninsured poor, bringing health and hope by providing quality medical care with dignity and respect. Founded by the Sisters of Charity over twenty-five years ago, Saint Vincent and Duchesne Clinics provide primary medical care, chronic disease management, prevention, education and care coordination. This past year, each day 71 of the clinics' 2,899 patients received care. The grant money helped to convert to an Electronic Medical Records system which means better care for patients and better ways to track the impact of care. Every $1 donated provided $3 worth of medical care for the poor and underinsured
Order of Malta - Lafayette Region (Disaster Rebuilding Program)
Lafayette, LA

Since it's formation in 2010, Order of Malta's Lafayette Region has been dedicated to rebuilding homes destroyed by Louisianna's flooding and tropical disasters. Partnering with Catholic Charities Acadiana and Rebuilding Together Acadiana, Disaster Rebuilding Program organizes and hosts rebuilding efforts for the most displaced victims of the 2016 Louisiana floods.
Catholic Services of Acadiana
Lafayette, LA

Since 1973, Catholic Services of Acadiana has been serving the poor within the Diocese of Lafayette. Its New Life Center has provided transitional housing for the homeless of that area, and they have moved to a larger location closer to the poor population of Lafayette. Thanks to the generosity of the Knights and Dames of the Federal Association, they have the furniture they need to enable dozens of residents to live under normal conditions while they find permanent housing.
Lafayette Home Repair Program
Lafayette, LA
The Lafayette Home Repair Program is modeled on and grew out of the New Orleans Home Repair Program which operated from 2006-2016. The Lafayette program began in 2017 in response to the once-in-a-thousand-year flood in August 2016. Over 146,000 homes were damaged by the flooding. Because the vast majority of the areas that flooded had never flooded before, most affected homeowners did not have flood insurance.
Since January 2017, more than sixty Order of Malta volunteers have contributed nearly 2,000 hours of hands-on assistance to repair the homes of the rural poor. In February 2019, more than thirty volunteers from more at least seven Federal Association regions worked four full days.
Our partners in the program are Rebuilding Together Acadiana and Catholic Charities of Acadiana. They provide logistical support in identifying needy homeowners and managing the worksites for our volunteers
Woman's New Life Center
Metairie, LA

At Woman’s New Life Center they ensure every woman has trustworthy and compassionate help when faced with the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy. They maintain a resource center where you can learn about your options from professional counselors, and make truly empowered choices. They offer you medical and material assistance, both before and after pregnancy, and ongoing support. Because everyone should have access to key basic services, they provide them free of charge.
San Juan Bautista Community Center
Lancaster, PA
Iglesia Católica San Juan Bautista is the only Hispanic parish in the Diocese of Harrisburg, dedicated particularly to the spiritual and temporal needs of Hispanics in the County of Lancaster. Our roots at San Juan Bautista are 25 years in the growing, and are proud of our Catholic faith and our Hispanic culture, which enrich our lives and empower us to be faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
St. Anne's Catholic Church - Brown Bag Lunch Program
Lancaster, PA
A $25,000 grant from the Federal Association awarded to the Brown Bag Lunch Program at St. Anne Catholic Church of Lancaster, PA funded a transformation of the kitchen, storage area and bathroom used for this program. The improved spaces have afforded the program greater efficiency to meet the growing number of people requesting a daily lunch.
The Brown Bag Lunch Program is an active ministry with significant impact in the community. It provides the only noontime meal in the city of Lancaster to all who come to the door. In existence over 20 years, the program provides an average of 140 nutritious lunches daily, five days per week, serving over 22,000 lunches in the past year. The program is staffed by more than 50 volunteers from the Lancaster community, including Members of the Order who work at the program monthly. The Brown Bag Lunch Program fulfills a vital mission in Lancaster, and the Order has provided much needed support to maintain and continue the goal of this program while honoring one of the charisms of the Order: serving the poor.
St. Anne's Retirement Community
Lancaster, PA

St. Anne's Retirement Community is a non-profit, faith based continuing care retirement community.
Autism Society Angel Program
Memphis, TN

The ANGEL (Autism Intervention and Guidance for Early Learners), a program of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, was started in 2010 by the Diocese of Memphis to fulfill a need to provide therapy for children with autism, and is the only program in the area treating children ages 3-7 and operates year round.
St. Mary's Soup Kitchen
Memphis, TN

Members of the Memphis region are heavily involved in working with St. Mary's Soup Kitchen, located at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. It is the oldest, continuously running soup kitchen in the country, founded in 1870. Last year the Soup Kitchen fed 91,000 meals (about 300 per day, six days a week). Fr. John Hourican, a magistral chaplain for the Order, is pastor. Read more -
Montgomery County, MD
Mercy Health Clinic
Gaithersburg, MD

Mercy Health Clinic (MHC) is a non sectarian, not-forprofit, community health care provider. The clinic serves uninsured, low-income adult residents of Montgomery County, Maryland and is committed to providing high quality medical care, educational support and pharmaceuticals to eligible patients.
Potomac Community Resources
Potomac, MD

Potomac Community Resources, Inc. (PCR) received $20,000 from the Federal Association to support its innovative, award-winning Tricia Sullivan Respite Care Programs, which provide a life-changing service for Montgomery County residents with profound disabilities and complex medical needs, and their families.
Participants are at an increased risk for medical emergencies such as seizures, and require assistance with every activity of daily living like eating, dressing and toileting. Many participants require feeding tubes, adaptations and specialized equipment. PCR maintains the highest standards of excellence and safety within each of our programs. The need for quality respite care is critical, and PCR is extremely grateful to the Order of Malta for generously supporting these programs.
For individuals with profound disabilities, respite care is a key determining factor in preventing institutionalization. The Tricia Sullivan Respite Care Programs are unique in Montgomery County as they: (1) provide parents with a vital break from care-giving; (2) provide participants with needed therapeutic interventions and care in a safe setting, and (3) bring together Montgomery County residents of differing abilities through the use of volunteers, thereby enriching our community as a whole. A brief video about these programs can be viewed at
Providence Hospital
Washington, DC

Chartered by President Abraham Lincoln in 1861, Providence Hospital is the longest continuously operating hospital in the Nation's Capital. Our strengths in medicine, surgery, and diagnostics blend with our values and commitment to human dignity to provide healthcare you can have faith in. Providence is part of Ascension Health, the nation's largest Catholic and nonprofit health system, setting the standard for quality, holistic care and access. The Federal Association purchased devices for the Low Vision/Low Hearing Assistance Program.
Rosaria Communities
Rockville, MD
Rosaria Communities fosters the construction or renovation of houses to provide independent living opportunities for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. Rosaria homes assure an environment of comfort and care in which the spiritual needs of our residents are supported by an involved Catholic community. Rosaria homes provide direct and meaningful support for a population of low-income young adults with intellectual and physical disabilities by creating a family-like environment within a loving and supportive Catholic community..
Spanish Catholic Center
Washington, DC

The need for the Spanish Catholic Center has never been greater. Offering medical and dental clinics, job training programs, English classes, a food pantry and case management services in four locations, the Center offers holistic services to immigrants from around the world. The multicultural staff of the Center speak more than eight different languages and have experience working with individuals from more than 72 different cultural contexts.
St. Ann's Center for Children, Youth and Families
Hyattsville, MD
St. Ann's residential programs deliver critical services to at-risk recipients and their children from the Washington, DC metro area including surrounding counties in Maryland. In both of its resdential programs- one for pregnant and parenting teens, and another for homeless women with young children- St. Ann's addresses the root causes of poverty as it serves families so deeply affected by that poverty.
The Teen Mother-Baby program serves pregnant and parenting teen girls ages 13 to 21 and their babies. Most are young women from social services programs such as the Department of Social Services and the Department of Juvenile Services. In the event of a power outage, the lights, heating/cooling, refrigeration, food preparation, and elevator operations of the facility would potentially be adversely affected. The recent auxiliary power generator was original to the building, installed in 1962 and is no longer operable. A strong, functional building is vital to St. Ann's ability to fulfill the mission of the organization. Thanks to a grant from the Federal Association, St. Ann’s has been able to replace this generator to ensure continuous operation for years to come.
Upcounty Community Resources
Germantown, MD

UCR offers innovative programs, events, and social opportunities for the members of our community with developmental differences. These opportunities promote healthy lifestyles, friendships, self-awareness, and personal-development. Our 2015 $20,000 grant implemented three new programs including interactive music therapy, storytelling for communication, and life skills.
Walter Reed - Wounded Warrior Program
Bethesda, MD

The Walter Reed National Medical Center Wounded Warrior Program is where the nation heals its Heroes. They are committed to partnering with patients and their family members to create evidence-based world-class health care while providing a warm family friendly atmosphere. Expert, excellent, exceptional care is the expectation. The Federal Association has supported their luncheon program.
New Orleans
Rebuilding After Hurricane Katrina
The New Orleans Home Repair Program served low-income elderly and disabled homeowners living in damaged or substandard housing. It improved their lives and enables them to remain in their homes. For volunteers, it combined worship, fellowship, and hands-on service to the poor.
The program was established in 2006 after Hurricane Katrina. Since then, the Order and its partner, Rebuilding Together, a local non-profit, have repaired 55 homes. In nine years, more than 1,000 Order of Malta volunteers from the Order's three U.S. associations and the Canadian Association —Knights, Dames, Chaplains, Auxiliary, family, and friends—have served in the program. Together they have donated a total of over 50,000 hours of service. It is truly a work of the Order.
Northern Virginia
Catholic International University
Arlington, VA
Catholic International University has served the Incarcerated Church since 1984 by offering paper-based courses that feed both the spirit and the intellect. A number of CDU's incarcerated students have earned BA and MA degrees in Theology and Advanced Catechist Certificates. Many more have taken inspiring continuing education courses that have deepened their relationship with God and provided a new sense of purpose.
CIU's incarcerated students have used their education to evangelize fellow inmates, spreading the Word of God and knowledge of His great love to those imprisoned in an environment mired in despair. CIU understands the importance of reaching beyond prison walls because many chaplains are not Catholic, many prisons have few Catholic chaplain visits or resources, and many prisoners are at risk and need hope. Historically, CIU has served an average of 40 prisoners at any one time.
In 2017, with support from an Order of Malta grant, CIU researched, tested, and developed a digital Catholic education program on Edovo's intranet prison tablets. CIU is the only Catholic educational program on this platform. In total, over 500 incarcerated students have already engaged with their courses more than a thousand times in just 9 weeks.
The results not only prove that the teachings of the Church are in great demand among incarcerated Catholics, it also exhibits the efficiency of technology to bring the word of God beyond prison walls. The number of enrollments in 9 weeks is 14 times the number of prisoners typically served during the same period.
CIU has only scratched the surface of the potential to reach and teach incarcerated Catholics. With continuing grant support, they aim to significantly advance their mutual goals to efficiently, effectively, and rapidly educate thousands of Catholics behind bars with the gospel message of compassion, forgiveness, hope, and assistance.
L'Arche Greater Washington, D.C.
Washington, DC
L'Arche Greater Washington, D.C. is an interdenominational Christian community of people with and without intellectual disabilities who share their lives together. Since its inception in 1983, L'Arche Greater Washington, D.C. has provided adults who have intellectual disabilities with permanent homes, individualized support services, and opportunities for inclusion in society. Today, a total of 16 core people live in four L'Arche homes in two Adams Morgan and two in Arlington, along with assistants who provide support and friendship. Our grant in 2015 of $25,000 helped to build capacity to provide daytime services for their clients.
Mobile Response Center
Northern Virginia
The Mobile Response Center (MRC) provides basic, non-food household essentials to impoverished communities in the Diocese of Arlington. These items include personal hygiene items, laundry detergent, toilet paper, diapers and other assorted household items. The MRC also distributes seasonal items, including blankets, winter coats or hats and gloves as appropriate. The MRC currently distributes items in Shenandoah County at the St. John Bosco Catholic Outreach Center. Poverty in the county is at 10.3% and childhood poverty is at 18%. Catholic Charities has identified an additional five sites in the Diocese requesting services from the MRC.
A grant from the Federal Association is allowing the MRC to expand to two additional distribution sites. These include Westmoreland County where the poverty rate is 9.5% overall and 29% for children, and Orange County with 8.9% poverty overall and 15% for children. The MRC will ensure impoverished families have basic household goods needed to ensure a safe and clean environment for their families. We anticipate serving an additional 160 families (590 individuals) per month, for a total of 252 households (930 individuals) across three sites.
Oklahoma City
Coats for the Homeless
Oklahoma City, OK
The Coats for the Homeless program seeks to provide a direct and meaningful benefit to the homeless population not only in Oklahoma City, where the homeless population is estimated at around 5,000 people, but also in the broader metropolitan area. Utilizing the model of the Australian Association, our members will be directly involved with the distribution of coats to the homeless through our existing relationships with Sister BJ's Pantry, Catholic Charities, Jesus House, and others.
Catholic Social Service - Food Cupboard
Philadelphia, PA

The Federal Association gave a $25,000 Grant to Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput for the purchase of refrigerators and freezers for the Food Cupboard in Norristown. This is the hands-on local service project for members of the Order. A group of the Order’s Members along with Archdiocesan seminarians meets every month and assists with stocking shelves and reorganizing food for visits by the following week’s clients.
The Norristown Food Cupboard serves veterans, the elderly, the working poor, and immigrant families who aren’t able to meet their monthly food needs without this vital assistance. “The Food Cupboard’s program does great work on a small budget, so funds for this equipment will enable it to better serve its clients,” said Federal Association Board member John Hoy, KM, who sponsored the grant.
Liz Peteraf, Administrator of Catholic Social Services (CSS) in Montgomery Country, is overjoyed with what this donation will enable them to do: “Our plan for this donation is to arrange our space and purchase equipment that will provide our food clients with a dignified ‘shopping’ experience, offering them nutritional food and a meaningful interaction with a volunteer. With this grant, we will be able to offer more spacious areas with attractive glass door refrigerators to allow clients to choose the food items they are looking for, rather than being handed a pre-packaged bag of food.” Peteraf is grateful for the service commitment of the local members of the Order of Malta, who are among more than 50 dedicated monthly volunteers. The CSS Food Cupboard in Norristown distributes more than 30,000 pounds of food each month.
Little Sisters of the Poor
Pittsburgh, PA
Together with a diverse network of collaborators, the Little Sisters of the Poor serve the elderly poor in over 30 countries around the world. Thanks to a grant from the Federal Association, the Pittsburgh region helped sustain their "Order of Malta Pharmacy Fund" to cover unfunded over-the-counter and prescription medicine for elderly poor in 2017.
Rebuilding Together, Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA

Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh is an affiliate of Rebuilding Together, Inc., the nation's largest volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income houses and communities. They provide free home repairs to low-income seniors in Allegheny County. With 60% of homes in Pittsburgh having been built prior to 1940, and the second largest senior population in America, the need for this critical service is greater than ever.
UPMC Mercy Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA

UPMC, a tertiary care facility, is the only Catholic hospital in the greater Pittsburgh (tri-state region). It has retained its Catholic identity and its Catholic mission both in documentation and its practice. It provides a significant amount ($60 million) of charitable and unreimbursed care in the community in its service to the poor and the uninsured. Its specialized service include level I trauma and burn services,the neurosciences, rehabilitation and women's service plus a number of others.
St. Francis Home
Richmond, VA
The Diocese of Richmond runs St. Francis Home to serve the needs of seniors and disabled people with limited or no income. With a grant from the Federal Association, they were able to turn storage space into a chapel that can now be used for Mass for the residents and their guests.
St. Joseph, MO
Community Missions Corporation
St. Joseph, MO

CMC provides permanent housing for chronically homeless men with mental and physical disabilities; street outreach to the homeless still living on the streets; and emergency shelter to provide additional beds for the street homeless during inclement weather; counseling; job training and case management.
Franciscan Church of the Assumption
Syracuse, NY

"In seeing God as Father and Christ as brother, St. Francis of Assisi realized that all of creation flows into sacred relationship with each other and the divine." Following this example, Assumption’s Franciscan Northside Ministries seek to embrace all as one in God and live as brother and sister to each other. The ministries' mission is to create a safe, accepting, and respectful environment to meet the physical, social, and spiritual needs of all those encountered. With your help the Mission is able to provide a free pancake breakfast to their community, offering an opportunity to build relationships as brother and sister to one another.
Joseph's House for Women
Syracuse, NY
Joseph's House for Women has served 100 women and their children. Thanks to support from Members of the Syracuse region, it is the only place in the Central New York area where women in crisis pregnancies have access to an alternative to abortion in which they can life safely and learn to raise and support their newborn children. With a recent grant from the Federal Association, Joseph's House is making vital repairs to the porch and entrance to the house. Ensuring safety for the children, mothers, and staff is key to their life-saving mission.
Welch Terrace Apartments
Syracuse, NY

Welch Terrace Apartments provides secure housing with supportive services for low to very low income persons with HIV/AIDS. It provides 24 units in Central New York with all the necessities for daily living.
Washington, DC
Catholic Charities - Prison Outreach Ministry
Washington, DC

Motivated by the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, and guided by Catholic social and moral teaching, Catholic Charities is the social ministry outreach of the Archdiocese of Washington. The Federal Association supported their Prison Outreach Ministry and its Welcome Home Reentry Program. This program lives the Gospel Mandate to serve men and women returning to their communities after incarceration. They seek to reduce recidivism, educate the community, and develop strong systems of support. They accomplish this by building relationships and by matching returning individuals with compassionate volunteer mentors from communities of faith and civic organizations.
The Ignatian Spirituality Project
Washington, DC
The Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) began in 1999 when Fr. Bill Creed, SJ was invited to begin making the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius available to the economically disadvantaged. The Exercises, a program with some 450 years of tradition, focus on seeking union with God and achieving inner freedom to reach that end. Today’s homeless population, like many of us, struggles profoundly with this separation, and, as such, responds profoundly to God’s desire for deeper freedom. Knights and Dames support has helped sponsor retreats for men and women who are already working toward ending their homelessness.
St. Luke's Institute
Silver Spring, MD
Saint Luke is a Catholic education and treatment center for clergy and religious men and women. The treatment programs serve those who are sick and need the Institute's specialized care, but cannot afford the cost.
Catholic Medical Mission Board
Rooted in the healing ministry of Jesus, Catholic Medical Mission Board celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 2012. In the last decade CMMB has provided more than $2 billion in support to millions of those in need in more than 120 countries through its HIV/AIDS, child survival, tropical diseases, donated medicines and volunteer programs.
With support from the Order of Malta, CMMB implemented a Diabetes prevention program in Honduras. CMMB worked with health professionals as well as patients to prevent and manage care for clients. 685 people from the community were provided with diabetes prevention education and 208 health workers were trained in methods for diabetes management.
Holy Family Hospital
Guided by the beliefs and morals, traditions of the Catholic Church, The Holy Family Hospital is dedicated to providing quality care for women and infants, without regard to religion or national origins and committed to continuing education as a means of ensuring quality patient care for the Poor and Sick. Since 2010 the Federal Association has sponsored the hospital's mobile outreach clinic.
Hopital Sacre Couer

The CRUDEM Foundation, working with members of the Montgomery County region of the Order of Malta, financially sustains the work of the largest non-government hospital in northern Haiti, Hopital Sacre Coeur (Sacred Heart Hospital). Their newly equipped pathology department, one of few in the entire country, has been funded by a grant from the Federal Association.
International Eye Foundation

International Eye Foundation (IEF) has been fighting blind diseases for over 50 years. They focus on sustainability planning to build capacity of existing eye hospitals to improve quality and efficiency, reduce costs, build revenue generating services, and create choices for patients at all economic levels to access and afford services. Since 1999, IEF has assisted 29 eye hospitals in 17 countries to build and grow services. This grant money was used to complete the Operating Theater at Clinica Oftalmologica, a new social enterprise eye clinic in Managua, Nicaragua. It will also help the support team in training for sustainability planning for the Nicaragua clinic, and support development of the outreach program to screen people in poor rural and peri-urban communities, nursing homes, and schools.
Daughters of Charity
Daughters of Charity, based in Haiti, was awarded $10,000.00 to support their school and health and nutrition center in Cite Soleil, the worst slum in Port au Prince, which serves children from infancy to grade six. Here, they treat infants and children suffering from severe malnutrition, feeding them breakfast and lunch, providing medical care, and educating them in their school. They also educate the children’s mothers, most of them single parents, in parenting, cooking and sewing skills.
Program Administrator Sr. Victoria Obando Pineda states, “In the health clinic they see daily 100 pregnant women and 200 children less than 5 years old, plus the students at the school and kindergarten that might be sick. From Monday to Friday, they have 50 children in the center for nutritional recuperation, and every 15 days they are tracking 80 children that are in the process of recuperation. They have monthly counseling sessions for pregnant women with HIV.”
Educate the Children
Cabezas, Bolivia
Educate the Children, Bolivia is a mission project of the Diocesan Mission Council for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas. The program offers various educational programs to children and adults in the rural area in and around surrounding Cabezas, Bolivia. Father Robert Thames runs the program, which provides housing, food, school supplies, and clothing to the students, from his parish of Senora del Carmen in Cabezas. It operates in rural, impoverished area of Cabezas, Bolivia. There are currently 931 students, including adults, enrolled in the various education programs. Educate the Children provides living quarters, free meals, and financial assistance towards school supplies and clothing. The grant was used to help purchase agricultural equipment to help make it more self-sustainable.
Earthquake Rebuilding
In 2010, over $200,000 in grants were distributed to five Haitian-based charities by the Federal Association as part of its Haiti Earthquake Relief Efforts. The Association raised over $258,000 from our members and friends and our contributions helped to provide emergency supplies and a prosthetic clinic to Crudem and Hopital Sacre Coeur; to the Sisters of Charity and Matthew 25 House in Port Au Prince and to Homes from the Heart for building new houses.
Malta Medical Mission to Nicaragua
Granada, Nicaragua
Every year, members of the New Orleans region travel to the city of Granada to treat its impoverished sick. The group of 20 doctors, nurses, dentists, and volunteers treats 1,200 to 2,000 patients over the course of a week-long visit. While the volunteers pay for their own travel, food, and lodging, the Federal Association's Grants program covers the cost of the medicine, surgical supplies, and other costs involved in the treatment of the sick and the poor.
Maryknoll Lay Missioners
El Salvador
Maryknoll Lay Missioners is a Catholic organization inspired by the mission of Jesus to live and work with poor communities in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, responding to basic needs and helping to create a more just and compassionate world.
We have helped their impact through soy workshops. The Soy Program introduces affordable recipes with soy, to increase the nutritive value of the Salvadoran Diet.
Medicines for Humanity
Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti

The primary goal of Medicines for Humanity (MFH) is to reduce child mortality in impoverished communities around the world. To accomplish this goal, we work to increase the number of vulnerable children and mothers that receive: maternal and child healthcare including pre-natal, birthing, and post-natal services and essential medicines, ongoing assistance from trained and motivated community health workers (CHWs), nutrition services and education, clean water and sanitation. The Federal Association is providing access to medicines to over 440,000 people.
Typhoon Haiyan
The Federal Association supported Malteser International Relief efforts with an emergency grant of over $40,000

Typhoon Haiyan swept through the Philippines with incredible force on November 8, 2013 leaving behind a trail of destruction. Three months after the storm, the majority of survivors in the disaster region continue to live in tents and makeshift shelters.
The strongest storm on record to ever make landfall, Haiyan affected more than 14 million people in the Visayas region. Four million lost their homes, and more than 6,000 lost their lives. The provinces Leyte, Samar, Cebu and Palawan, which were on the direct path of the storm, suffered extensive damages. In many towns and villages, more than 95 percent of the houses were destroyed.
Malteser International's Response
Provided emergency relief for 19,500 people after the typhoon
3,000 household and hygiene kits distributed in Samar and Bantayan
Food packages kept 2,500 families in four villages fed for six weeks
- 42 large-capacity tents were set up as temporary classrooms and community meeting places
- A water treatment unit has provided 700 people with 3,360 gallons of clean drinking water every day
- 2,473 children received school supplies such as schoolbags, notebooks, and pencils
- 250 families in Bohol Island received vouchers for construction materials and water canisters
- 395 families were given agricultural equipment and seeds for large-scale rice cultivation as well as home gardening
- 60 people were equipped with tools to clear rubble and debris from the villages.
Sisters of Mercy
Colon, Panama

Since 1987, the Sisters of Mercy have opened their doors to poor mothers, children, and teens. They offer on-going Wholistic Formation, skill development, production, and various workshops like cooking, sewing, crafts, classes in English, computer, library, reading, writing and tutoring). Meals are also offered daily and dental care, alternative health, medicinal herbs, support for victims of violence, physical and psychological therapy are made available to anyone. They also have a day care program that allows the mothers to take advantage of the workshops offered or to accept a possible job. This grant allowed them to purchase updated dental equipment.
Watts of Love
Watts of Love received $25,000.00 to purchase and distribute 500 LED solar lanterns, 500 solar backpacks, and 500 thumb-drives with the New Testament to vulnerable communities in Haiti.
The message below is from Erica Whelan, Development Coordinator at Watts of Love:
“On behalf of our staff at Watts of Love, we would like to thank the Order of Malta for your incredible contribution to our mission to eliminate poverty by illuminating lives! Our organization is very excited about completing our program and delivering these solar lanterns to Haiti.
On behalf of our staff, we thank the Order of Malta from the bottoms of our hearts for making this project possible and for partnering with Watts of Love to deliver solar light relief, love and HOPE to the vulnerable people who will receive our lights (HOPE stands for Health, Opportunity, Power and Education).”