Planned Giving - Blessed Gerard Society

The Blessed Gerard Society was established in 1998 as a way of recognizing the members of the Order who have included the Order of Malta in their will or other estate planning. Membership in our religious order does not cease upon death. It is eternal, continuing in the company of that heavenly fraternity of Blessed Fra’ Gerard. As our membership continues, so should our support of our beloved Order.
Unless otherwise designated, all testamentary gifts are deposited in the Blessed Gerard Fund. A small percentage of this fund is drawn down each year to help support special projects recommended by the Grants Committee and approved by our Board of Directors. Over the years dozens of projects have directly improved lives by caring for the sick and the poor in our communities at home as well as internationally thanks to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were drawn annually from this fund.
Throughout the history of the Order, Knights and Dames of Malta have been sustaining the Order and its Hospitaller works in this manner. The Blessed Gerard Fund remains an important way of perpetuating this obligation, and more importantly, the noble work of the Order. Our goal is that every member, over time, will make this commitment.
Thank you to those listed below who have already made this significant pledge.
Knowing that I have planned a legacy gift for the Order of Malta reaffirms my commitment that our mission should/will carry on. While my intended gift may not be the largest the Order may receive, it allows me to find a balance in bequests to my family and Church as well as reaffirming the significance of the Order. In essence, it is a definitive statement that the Order of Malta was important to me during my lifetime.
– Loretto Kane, DM, Baltimore, MD

My membership in the Blessed Gerard Society is the surest way to perpetuate our support for the works of the Order, long after we have left the Church Militant. The Order was worth supporting in life, and therefore its Blessed Gerard Society is a natural fit for inclusion in our estate plan.
One's legacy is all about honoring, and continuing to love, those institutions and people you cherished in life. Estate planning clearly resonates with the old adage "It is the thought that counts". Focus on showing all that knew you that your loves included the sick and poor, the two treasures of the Church and the Order.
– James Donahue, III, KM, Georgetown, TX
TAX ID#: 52-1113253
For More Information:
Annie Storck
Stewardship Coordinator
(202) 331-2494