



In December of 2015, the Federal Association made a grant to the Little Sisters of the Poor in Pittsburgh to assist with their residents’ uncovered medicine costs. During our subsequent Christmas visit, the sisters were very grateful for the grant, but they mentioned that the begging van the Pittsburgh members purchased for them 14 years ago needed constant repairs and had travelled more than 170,000 miles. “Would it be possible to get another van?” they asked.


After a few quick calls, we determined that a new van, customized to their specifications, would cost $30,000.  It was a Tuesday evening.


On Friday, an e-mail was sent to the Pittsburgh membership describing the sisters’ need and seeking contributions, with one of our revered Knights generously committed to jump-starting the cause. The response was overwhelming. By the next morning, Saturday, we had received commitments totaling $20,000 and within two weeks we collected the entire amount requested.


The generosity of the members in our region has the Little Sisters of the Poor cruising town in a new, customized begging van emblazoned with the 8-pointed cross of the Order.