



Like any strategic maneuver, the success of a religious retreat depends on the preparation. The 48 members of the Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes, in Obedience, were prepared for that message.

Msgr. James Watkins, chaplain of the Subpriory, described the retreat as a maneuver that required “a moving back, a stepping aside, setting aside our conscious selves and the things that consume us, a means of re-treating our minds, hearts and souls.” Joined by Rev. Hollas of St. John’s Abbey in Minnesota, OSB; Rev. Cavoto, OFM of St. Vincent’s in New York City and Rev. Letteer of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Msgr. Watkins recently led Subpriory members, representing both the Federal and American associations, on a three-day retreat at the Malvern Retreat Center in Pennsylvania. 

Reinforcing comments by other speakers, Msgr. Watkins referred to our service in the Subpriory as God’s “interference with our lives. God asks us to do the unconventional, slow down and pray.” Prayer, not activity, is at the essence of the Subpriory, he said.

Subpriory Regent Joseph Metz, KMOb counseled members to stay involved with Malta activities but also to follow God’s invitation to pray and pray frequently. “Obedience is not a promotion or a rung on the ladder within the Order, it is not another activity to accomplish,” he said. “It is in fact a calling to a vocation, a calling to prayer and reflection.”

It was in the early 2000s, after years of membership, that Joe took the Promise of Obedience. There should be no rush to Obedience but a gradual awakening of this vocation of prayer in your life, he said. As with membership in all classes of the Order, Obedience is a life-long commitment, as are its obligations.

Exemplifying the message of calling to Obedience, Barbara Martino, DM, took the Promise of Obedience during this year’s retreat. A member of the Federal Association since 1993, Barbara has been a leader in the works of the Order. After many trips to Lourdes, long active in leadership of regional activities and involvement with the international works of the Order, it was only recently that Barbara determined she was ready to make this further commitment to the charism on the Order of Malta. Her husband Rocco Martino has been in Obedience since 2006.


Father Cavoto reminded the retreatants that St. Francis identified the faithful as more than recipients of God’s word, but as “bearers of the Word, in fact, joyful bearers of the good news. We are not to be watchers, looking for exactness but open-hearted to all.”

The Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes has an active ministry of prayer for the sick and deceased of the Order and prays each Friday in virtual community for those on our prayer list maintained by Kathryn Abell, DMOb. Cards and letters are sent to those on the list or to their families. If you would like to add an individual to the prayer list, please communicate via email with Kathryn: kathrynabell@verizon.net.