



“By itself faith accomplishes nothing. For even the devils believe and shudder. No, faith must be joined to an active love of God which is expressed in good works. The charitable man is distinguished by sincere and long-suffering service to his fellow man.” – Saint Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662)


It is something which we need to remind ourselves every day of our lives. Our joy as Knights and Dames of Malta is rooted not in the honor of a title, but in the opportunity to serve. The roots of the Knights and Dames of Malta are summed up in the ancient Latin motto: “Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum” – To protect and defend the faith, and to serve those in need. This is our vocation.


True charity – love – is at the center of our lives as Catholics. True charity is not a little spare change given as an afterthought. Charity is God’s love lived. Every activity we engage in as Knights and Dames has no other point than to end in love. That is why we must be known most of all for our service.      


When we defend the faith, particularly in the public arena, we are also actively expressing that faith. As in our commitment to service, defending the faith is rooted in love. Love of truth, and love of all those to whom we reach out.


Being a Knight and a Dame means a commitment to reflect God’s love in all we say and do. Each and every day.