


The Federal Association Announces a New Chaplain of the Board of Directors

The Federal Association is pleased to announce that Monsignor James Watkins, Conventual Chaplain ad honorem, will become the new Chaplain for the Federal Association Board of Directors.  Monsignor Watkins, of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, will be taking over from Monsignor John Enzler, who will be retiring in the near future. Transition plans are underway and will be finalized in the next several months.

This decision was made in consultation with Fra’ Tom Mulligan, Federal Association President and His Eminence, Cardinal Gregory, Principal Chaplain for the Federal Association.

While attending the monthly Board meetings, Monsignor Watkins will also represent Cardinal Gregory on the Board.

Monsignor Enzler, or “Father John” as he is affectionately known, has served admirably on the Board for many years and has provided invaluable guidance throughout his tenure. He will be missed, but he will continue to be active in the Association.

Congratulations to Monsignor Enzler on his retirement and congratulations to Monsignor Watkins on his new role.