


Day of Reflection Held in Montgomery County


Fifty Knights and Dames attended a special Reflection on the Year of Mercy Saturday, April 2, hosted by the Spirituality Committee of the Federal Association at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Potomac, MD. Rev. William Byrne, gave the keynote speech, focusing on mercy in scripture, tradition and practice.


Father Byrne emphasized the Divine Love inside us and how through acts of charity, we discover it in others.  “We need to have a compassion of the heart toward the misery of others,” he said, “Jesus is the face of mercy.”


Another speaker, Sister Mary Bader, D.C., reflected on the mercy topic in terms of those she serves at St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth and Families in Hyattsville, MD.  Often, because of their experiences, many who seek help at St. Ann’s have in fact suffered different forms of trauma. Her staff is specially trained to identify these markers and help the young women move forward with their lives.


Each presentation was powerful, offering much to reflect upon as we journey through this Jubilee Year of Mercy. 


We ended the day with Mass in St. Gabriel’s Chapel, equipped with more knowledge of mercy and its role in everyday life.