


Has there been a time when, through some word or action, you tried to help someone recognize God’s love for them?

This was the topic we were discussing in our small group in prison last night. One of the members, nicknamed Columbia, mentioned he had started a prayer circle in his cell block. Five weeks ago, he was transferred to a new cell block. There are 52 men in a cell block. Each block has its own culture, and the culture varies greatly from one block to another. Columbia went from one of the most peaceful cell blocks to one of the most aggressive.

He shared that he had never started a prayer circle or a prayer group, but he felt moved to do something to resist getting pulled into negative behavior. His first gathering had eight men, which was pretty good. The next one had 12, then 18. Now, 32 of the 52 men in the cell block join in their prayer circle.

One of the men in his block observed that previous efforts to start prayer groups had failed. I asked Columbia why he thought his efforts were successful. He said, “These men knew who I was before I found Christ.”

At the end of our session, I told the members that I share their stories with others, and that people are curious and interested in them. I asked, “Is there anything that you would like to share with them?” Without hesitation, Columbia said, “God makes us new.”

In those four words, “God makes us new,” Columbia captured repentance, forgiveness, mercy, conversion, and salvation.

God, make us new, too.