Spirituality and Service in the Federal Association: A Conversation with Past Presidents

Members of the four regions in the greater Washington DC area gathered on November 14 to celebrate "50 Years of Spirituality and Service" through the Order of Malta’s Federal Association. The Rev. Bud Stevens, P.S.S., magistral chaplain and rector of Theological College hosted the event and presided at a Mass to mark the many years of the Federal Association supporting the sanctity of life through our service to the sick and the poor.
Three of the Federal Association’s past presidents, Shep Abell, GCMOb; Pat Clancy, GCM; and Paul McNamara, GCM, joined Hugh Dempsey, GCMOb, in a conversation focused on how the Federal Association grew from 14 knights at its founding in 1974 to the more than 1,100 knights and dames today. Hugh Dempsey started the discussion by reminding the attendees that knowing our “stories” is important because if we do not know where we come from it will be difficult to chart our future for the next 50 years.
Shep Abell, the fourth president of the Federal Association started the conversation focusing on the founding of our association, as individuals from the Washington area sought to engage in personal service and spirituality on a more local level. The new association continued to grow, especially with its focus on hands-on service. Shep worked with then-Vice President Jim Belson, GCM, who could not join us that evening, to evaluate how the association could follow Matthew 25. Over the course of Shep’s and Jim’s presidencies, they created new hands-on service works, including SHARE, Gift of Peace, and Prison Ministry. The association’s first trip to Lourdes, with 30 people, including malades making the pilgrimage, was undertaken at the urging of Cardinal James Hickey and embodied our commitment to spirituality and service. Today, the Lourdes pilgrimage is the acme of service for the Federal Association.
Following in historical order, Pat Clancy told of an effort, shortly after he became president, to combine the three associations in the United States into one. It was rebuffed, but the effort led to setting clearer geographic boundaries. Pat also stressed that new members were attracted to the Order because we were asking the people to help others in need by doing hands-on work. Pat recognized the valuable direction that came from the association’s Executive Director, Joe Dempsey, such as developing our rebuilding project after Hurricane Katrina; a related project continues with our current Executive Director Michael Stankewicz. Pat concluded by reflecting on his personal experience in the Order of Malta as having a lot to do with his salvation.
Paul McNamara, who marked 30 years in the Order of Malta, recalled his formation in 1994 as a conversation over coffee with the leader of formation, Michael McGarry, KMOb, then heading over to his investiture. Paul found that the presidential role was one of servant leadership, attracting the right people into the Order and then helping them to do good for others. Over the years, Paul indicated that the Federal Association developed a solid template for spirituality, hands-on service, and sharing our treasure, which was noted by other associations and continues to influence the culture of the Order of Malta.
The Federal Association led the Order in another important way when Paul served as vice president under President Noreen Falcone, GCM. The Federal Association elected her its first woman president and, in fact, she was the first woman president of any association. Noreen breaking that glass ceiling presented a challenge when all the association presidents were called to Rome to elect a new Grand Master. The bylaws in 2009 had no provision for a woman to participate in the election process. Paul kept in close contact with Noreen during breaks, sharing the ongoing deliberations and then casting the Federal Association's vote for Fra’ Matthew Festing as Grand Master on her behalf. The Order’s bylaws were subsequently changed by the time that our next woman President Margaret Melady, GCM, voted for the next Grand Master, and Margaret cast her own vote.
Theologian Henri Nouwen gives a biblical context on the value of knowing the past, as he noted the fact that "the prophets speaking about the future of Israel always kept reminding their people of God’s great works in the past." Looking to the future of the Federal Association as we embrace the new structure of the Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes, let us keep in mind our foundation of rolling up our sleeves to serve our lords the sick and the poor by living the spirituality in Matthew 25. Our major service projects-- the Lourdes pilgrimage, Holy Family Hospital, Prison Ministry, and the International Malta Camp—demonstrate our commitment to serve those in need and the greater worldwide Order of Malta. We start our spiritual journey in the Federal Association of the Order today with our formalized year of formation and then continue on the path through our lifetime commitment, taking advantage of the many retreats, days of reflection, seasonal and special Masses, and events offered to members.
We aim to do all of what we have done and will do "forgetful of ourselves," but we also need to applaud the 92 knights and dames from our local regions who have served for at least 25 years. Collectively, they have contributed over 3,000 person years of service to God by caring for our lords, the sick and the poor. As we go forward, let’s take their model of devotion to service into our future.
You can listen to all the stories told of our history by viewing the entire "Conversation with Past Presidents" by clicking here.