Reflections on the Solemn Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
“Hail favored one. The Lord is with you” Luke, the gospel writer in portraying that initial encounter between the Archangel Gabriel and the Maiden of Nazareth continues to encourage our Church to explore the deeper meaning of just how indeed she was so specially favored. Surely, she who was chosen as God’s own mother continued to receive singular graces that fulfilled Gabriel’s announcement all the days of her life. She was blessed to live with that child and St. Joseph in their home at Nazareth, to watch Jesus grow into manhood, and to share with him the life that guided him through each moment of his mission including his suffering, death, and resurrection.
Gabriel’s announcement continued to be fulfilled every moment of her life as well. She accompanied her son to Cana in Galilee for a wedding party at the beginning of his public ministry. She stood by Him at the foot of the cross. She was with his disciples when the Holy Spirit filled them with the courage to go out and evangelize the world.
God’s favor also carried her back to her triumphant son through the uniqueness of her assumption into heaven. Her fidelity to God’s design was finalized when she who originally had said yes to Gabriel’s initial invitation was then uniquely privileged in being brought fully into heavenly glory. Upon her arrival into the perfection of God’s kingdom, I cannot help but imagine that Gabriel himself must have then had the exclusive honor then of saying to her: “I told you so!”