Philadelphia Partners with Archdiocese for Boot Up Philly

For the fourth year in a row, the Philadelphia Region partnered with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for Boot Up Philly, an outreach event that brings together multiple faith-based service organizations. Members of the Philadelphia Region sit on the planning committee of Boot Up Philly, which is organized and hosted by Catholic Social Services of the archdiocese and St. John’s Hospice Homeless Shelter.
On Saturday, October 19th more than a thousand of Philadelphia’s most vulnerable women and men came to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center in Center City to receive warm clothing and boots in anticipation of winter. Philadelphia Region members distributed more than 675 winter coats through the Order’s Coats to the Homeless project. The region also distributed an array of other essential winter items, including hats, gloves, socks, and scarves. Packets of rosary beads and instructions on how to pray this important devotional were also prepared by members and offered at the event.
The Order of Malta has been a foundational partner in Boot Up Philly since its inauguration in 2021. The Philadelphia Region is grateful to everyone who made Boot Up Philly 2024 a remarkable success and to CSS for providing a valuable platform through which so many of our vulnerable sisters and brothers can be served.