


Montgomery County Celebrates Annual Lourdes Anointing Mass

In June, more than 100 people attended the 14th Annual Lourdes Anointing Mass at Our Lady of Mercy in Potomac, Maryland, sponsored by the Montgomery County Region. Msgr. Charles Antonicelli, conventual chaplain ad honorem, was the principal celebrant and homilist. Concelebrating were other chaplains from the Order, including the Rev. Richard Mullins (St. Thomas the Apostle), a conventual chaplain ad honorem; Msgr. William English (Our Lady of Mercy) and the Rev. Kevin Gillespie (Holy Trinity), both magistral chaplains; and the Rev. Armando Alejandro (St. Timothy), who was a volunteer chaplain with us in Lourdes this year.

The Lourdes Anointing Mass was started in 2006 and finally returned after a four-year pause due to the pandemic. We again welcomed the poor and sick from Montgomery County and the District of Columbia, including many residents from Victory Housing, a senior mixed-income and assisted-living facility. There were more than 20 knights, dames, candidates, and volunteers from across the regions who came to serve the poor and the sick. All attendees were given Miraculous Medals, prayer cards of Our Lady of Lourdes, and a bottle of Lourdes water prior to the Mass. All priests assisted in the sacrament of the anointing of the sick.

At the start of the Mass, Ambassador Michèle Bowe spoke briefly about the Order of Malta, including our origin and charism of caring for the poor and sick as a hospitaller order. Msgr. Antonicelli spoke about the need for healing, just as the woman in the Gospel, and the need for faith in our Lord through the challenges of life.

A luncheon of sandwiches, wraps, pasta salad and fruit salad was served following the Mass in the Kennedy room. Members of the Order and candidates served all the attendees and enjoyed fellowship with them. It was wonderful to see residents of the Malta House attend, as we serve them with a weekly rosary, Mass, and a monthly bingo. Due to the nearly 100-degree weather that day, some residents were not able to come out in the heat. The extra food was donated to Gift of Peace, a home for the homeless run by Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity.

Several attendees remarked they were so grateful to attend this Anointing Mass again. One remarked through her tears “this means so much!”   

Photo Credits: Kathy McFarland and Thatcher Hallock