


Malta-Milot Connection: Story of a Healthier Haiti

Early pictures o Hôpital Sacré Coeur:

CRUDEM dispensary, 1983

Dr. Dubuque in surgery in 1987

Hospital beds in 1987

The Lab


Because of a transformative experience in the life of a Knight of Malta, Dr. Theodore J. Dubuque, Jr., who at the time was recovering from a near-fatal illness in the early 80s and looking to express his gratitude for the gift of life, the Order of Malta became involved almost 30 years ago at Hôpital Sacré Coeur in Milot, Haiti.   

In 1986, Hôpital Sacré Coeur received its first patient and marked the fulfillment of two decades of close collaboration between the people of Milot and the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, a Canadian Catholic religious order. The entire hospital was one floor with six beds and a waiting room filled with patients dressed up in their finest clothes, taking their turn with the staff physician. The operating room possessed no surgical equipment. When Dr. Dubuque visited Milot and saw the needs of this simple building, he worked feverishly to acquire the necessary equipment and supplies to move the hospital forward.

Hôpital Sacré Coeur is now a 120-bed hospital that is the major medical referral center for all of northern Haiti. It draws patients from across Haiti and has inspired volunteer medical personnel from around the world to share their knowledge and skills with the Haitian hospital staff. They average 350 volunteers a year, with the vast majority being medical teams. Each team stays for one week. 

In 2011, after the Haitian earthquake, three local parishes in the Archdiocese of Washington – Our Lady of Mercy, Little Flower and Blessed Sacrament – funded the construction of a hurricane-proof community center for the 200-year-old parish of Immaculate Conception near the hospital in Milot.  The pastor cares for the needs of his 9,000 parishioners in this building. The needs being served include a preschool, a primary school with five grades, rooms for 12 church choirs, couples classes, just to name a few.

To learn more about Hôpital Sacré Coeur and the work of many of our Malta Members that are doctors on the volunteer teams, consider attending a reception after the 5:30 pm Mass at Blessed Sacrament on Saturday, September 26th.  Please join us for Mass and a reception – with answers!  Father John Enzler is the Mass celebrant and will be at the reception!


Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

3630 Quesada Street, NW

Washington, DC   20015


We are offering a “Stay-at-Home Gala”, Saturday, October 10th.  To join this gala – and stay at home – please contact us at http://crudem.org/washington-d-c-stay-at-home-gala/  

Current Photos of the Hospital:

Parish center (built in 2011-2012)

Outside view of parish center (built in 2011-2012)

In surgery