


Jubilee Year of Mercy Presents Service Opportunity

Members of the Order of Malta have a unique opportunity, offered by the Holy Father himself, to volunteer for teams to staff first aid stations at the papal basilicas in Rome during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The Holy See is anticipating larger than normal numbers of pilgrims visiting the basilicas for the jubilee and wants to ensure that first aid services would be available for emergencies.


The first US team to answer the call was from the Federal Association.  Cara Aghajanian, Clarion Johnson, Frances and Gerald Scott, and Elizabeth Schueren served a week in January. Each team, formed prior to arrival in Rome, includes a doctor, nurse, and two other volunteers. 


Once in Rome, the Federal Association team rotated among St. Mary Major, St John Lateran, and St Paul Outside the Walls, though no emergencies occurred on their watch.   Several other Federal Association teams are forming to serve later in the year. 


The first Federal Association team encountered other teams from France and Italy as well a German Malteser team, each serving different shifts at the basilicas. At the end of the week all of the teams celebrated the end of their service at a reception held at the Magistral Palace, the Order’s headquarters in Rome, where each member was presented with a certificate and a medal commemorating their service.


If anyone is interested in forming a team, there are still some opportunities available. For information please contact Cara Aghajanian.