Grant Spotlight: Holy Angels
Holy Angels is one of the grantees we were able to support thanks to the generous donations of our Members to the 2014 Annual Appeal. Holy Angels is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation and sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Mercy South Central Community. Holy Angels serves 101 individuals, ages 8 months to 72 years, all whom have varying degrees of intellectual developmental disabilities and physical disabilities, such as respiratory disorders, cerebral palsy, cortical blindness and traumatic brain injuries. Many are considered “medically fragile” requiring 24-hour nursing care in the Holy Angels’ Morrow Center.
Upon receipt of the grant, Holy Angels sent a letter showing their gratitude:
“On behalf of the residents, staff and families of Holy Angels, please accept our deepest appreciation for awarding [us] a grant of $25,000 to be used to upgrade, remodel and refurbish three bathing areas at our Morrow Center and two bathing rooms. We are indeed humbled and honored by your grant.”
Holy Angles wants to send a special thank you to the Charlotte region for continuously demonstrating their dedication to their ministry.
Knights and Dames of the Charlotte Region attending the First Friday Mass of February 6, 2015 present a Federal Association grant of $25,000 to Regina Moody, CEO of Holy Angels. Holy Angels is a Sisters of Mercy ministry in Belmont, NC that provides care for special needs children and adults who require access to general and medical support 24-hours a day.