Elections Coming: Run, Vote, but Don't Campaign
The Federal Association election cycle has begun. The position of president is available in addition to six seats on the Board of Directors. Four of these seats are occupied by first-term directors who are seeking a second term. Two seats are vacant.
All Members interested in serving on the Federal Association board in this cycle are asked to refer to the email sent May 21 and complete the required forms. Materials must be returned to the association office by June 22. Ballots will be sent to the membership no later than August 3. Voting must be completed by August 21.
Members are to avoid campaigning for any individual. Candidates are not permitted to comment on other candidates; nor are they to encourage others to do so. The below links detail the board-approved definition of prohibited campaigning, and all Members are asked to comply:
The Nominating Committee also maintains a list of Members interested in serving on any of our 20 active committees. If you are interested in serving the Federal Association in this fashion, please contact the office or Hugh Dempsey, KMOb.