Dallas Region Annual Retreat
The Dallas Region hosted its annual retreat, November 7-9, at the Montserrat Jesuit Retreat House located on Lake Dallas. Forty nine Knights, Dames and guests from Texas, Georgia and Florida registered. The retreat director was Fr. Brendan Gatt from the Archdiocese of Malta.
Fr. Gatt explained the purpose this way: "Moved by a renewed awareness of God's incredible and inexhaustible love for us, we sought to trace different ways in which to ‘touch the hem of His robe’, finding God in our everyday lives. This we attempted to do by prayerfully discussing themes like conversion and reconciliation, loving service towards others (especially the poor, in keeping with our Hospitaller vocation), living and working in community (both on the wider level of the Church as well as on the more particular level of the Order and our own parishes), and, above all, through a committed and fruitful prayer life. In all these areas emphasis was made on seeking to give God his rightful place on the top of our priorities, thereby renewing our vocation to become saints."
We concluded the retreat on Sunday and were joined by the Schola Stellae Solae who sang the Mass for the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.
Our retreat chair Lawrence Neuhoff was joined on his committee by Theresa Martter, Judith Wood, Helen Butler, Huntly and Karen Chapman and Kip Rolland.