


Chicago Region Hosts Day of Reflection

Nearly 40 Knights, Dames, candidates, and family and friends gathered at the historic Shrine of Our Lady of Pompei in Chicago on Jan. 14 for the annual day of reflection. The Federal Association regions of Chicago, Milwaukee, and Columbus, OH were represented, along with the American Association’s Chicago region. This tradition was started more than 15 years ago by Deacon Ed Gronkiewicz, KM as a gift to the Order. The focus of the cost-free event is on beginning each new year with spiritual formation and fellowship.   


Rev. Richard Fragomeni, a sacramental theologian, professor, and rector of the shrine, was our speaker for the day. We began with Morning Prayer led by Fra’ Tom Mulligan and continued with talks by Father Fragomeni, alternating with quiet time for reflection, prayer, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, if desired.  We then gathered in the sanctuary for questions or comments before the next teaching session began.


Father Fragomeni’s text for the day was the pope’s apostolic letter, Amoris Laetitia, with emphasis on Chapter 4. The teaching for the day revolved around two main themes: first, that marriage vows and baptismal vows are the two sacraments most like each other; and second, that the document is not addressed solely to married couples, but to families as well, no matter what form that family takes. It is God vowing, as well as us vowing, “I will be available to you, in your need, even unto the end of the age.”


Broken down into detail, Father said, this means: (i) a promise; (ii) to be available as God is available, unconditionally and open-heartedly; (iii) to everyone in need (and to ask people what they need); and (iv) to live out this promise always.


That message sums up the mission of the Order as well. We are to be available to all people with our hearts open and full of love to provide assistance wherever and whenever needed, for all time. We become witnesses of divine Love, witnesses to the Church, and witnesses of faith. Through our actions we love our neighbors as ourselves. No longer it is we who live but Christ who lives in us.


After a concluding Mass we adjourned to the sanctuary where Fra’ Tom Mulligan installed Rick Klein as the new Hospitaller for Chicago.