Annual Anointing Mass in Jacksonville Region
The Jacksonville Region celebrated our Annual Anointing Mass on February 12 at San Jose Catholic Church. The Mass was organized by Jeff Edwards, M.D., KM and his committee. The Jacksonville University Chorus provided amazing music before and during Mass.
Many of the more than 600 in attendance were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support that the knights and dames gave to each malade and companion. John McKenzie, hospitaller for our region, gave a history on the Order which was received with appreciation by the congregation from parishes all over the Diocese of St. Augustine and beyond. One lady shared with us, “I have been driving for three hours, and I am so blessed to be here. I would not want to miss this.” Widows of our knights also attended and expressed their thanks for the continuation of the Order of Malta Anointing Mass in Jacksonville. This is a signature event for our region, and we will continue to offer it to the people of our part of Florida.