Order of Malta Moment
July 13, 2012
Lourdes Task Force Delivers Report and Recommendations to the Board of Directors
In June 2011, the Board of Directors approved the formation of a nine-member Task Force on the Lourdes Pilgrimage, the signature project of the Order of Malta and the Federal Association. This long-range planning Task Force was asked “to review all of the strategic aspects of the trip, to identify current and potential risks, analyze the current workflow to see if we are maximizing efficiencies and solving for the best ways of moving so many of our members, our malades and their companions to and from Lourdes.”
The Task Force, chaired by Vice President Ed Festa, KM was comprised of members of the Board, the Lourdes Committee, and other Knights and Dames who have been pilgrims in the past, including Craig Jarchow, KM, Co-Chair; Cynthia Wilkinson, DM, Secretary; Don Joyce, M.D, KM; Board Member Rob Lively, KMOb; Peter Scudner, KM, Kathy Weedon, DM, Treasurer Tom Weiford, KM; and Dorothy Zolandz, DM. Over the past ten months, the members of the Task Force interviewed many individuals with valuable knowledge of the Federal Association Pilgrimage, the Pilgrimages of the Western and American Associations, and other groups operating similar Pilgrimages or group travel.
On June 22, 2012, the Task Force presented its report to the Board. The report included findings and recommendations on the principal areas of concern: Financial Risks, Management, Spirituality, Funding of the Pilgrimage and Pilgrimage Participation and Size. The Board accepted the Task Force’s report and will designate relevant committees to review and consider the Task Force recommendations. Click here to read a copy. Members can request an electronic copy of the report from the office by clicking here. - Cynthia Wilkinson, DM, Austin
Subpriory Members Make Retreat at Malvern
The Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes held its annual retreat at the Malvern Retreat House in Malvern, PA, from May 31st to June 3. Forty-three retreatants from the Federal and American Associations attended the three day retreat. Father Eric Hollas, OSB, a Magistral Chaplain in the Western Association and Chaplain of the Subpriory of Our Lady of Philermo, and of St. John University at Collegeville, MN served as Retreat Master. The theme of the retreat was the role of the Order in the "New Evangelization" and the New Regulations of the Order promulgated last year by H.M.E.H., Fra’ Matthew Festing, The Prince and Grand Master.
The Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes, founded in 2006 is drawn from the membership of the American and Federal Associations having five professed Knights and 57 Knights and Dames in Obedience (having made the Promise of Obedience), 34 from the American Association and 23 from the Federal Association. There are currently nine Knights and Dames in their year of preparation who will make their Promise in 2012 or 2013. - Joseph Metz, KMOb, Regent, Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes
Ambassador to Kenya Dies in Crash

Count Gianfranco Cicogna Mozzoni, KM, the Order of Malta’s Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya, died in a plane crash in South Africa on June 30. Gianfranco’s passion for Kenya began at age 13 when he visited for the summer holidays.
From that time on, his love for the country deepened. When he became a Knight, he saw that he could do more for the welfare of the Kenyan people by negotiating a bilateral relation between the two governments. He presented his credentials to the President of Kenya in 2008 and for the next four years Gianfranco worked tirelessly and with tremendous ambition and determination to improve the conditions of the poor and sick in Kenya. - Published in the Order of Malta Kenya Newsletter
Dallas Members on the Feast Day
Father Jonathan Austin hosted Dallas members at St. Jude's Chapel in downtown Dallas and concelebrated the Mass of the Feast of St. John the Baptist with Bishop Kevin Farrell. After Mass, 55 members, candidates and spouses joined for dinner. - Theresa Martter, DM, Dallas Hospitaller
Federal Association Election Update: Ballots
The Nominating Committee will complete its work by the end of July and ballots will be sent to members at the beginning of August. Completed ballots will be due back to the Office by August 21, 2012.
If you are going to be away during the first week of August and would like your ballot sent to an alternate address, please notify the Office before July 24th. Please be on the lookout for the ballot package in early August and return your votes as soon as possible.
Investiture Weekend, 2012
October 18 - 20

Please click here for schedule of events and hotel information.
Upcoming Events:
Jul 17 - Chicago - St. Thomas Soup Kitchen, 4827 N. Kenmore St at 4:30 PM. Contact: Sam Ciccarelli
Jul 18 - Kansas City - Shalom House - Volunteers are needed to serve dinner to the homeless men. Contact: Georgia Lynch
Jul 20-21 - Lourdes Reunion at Mt. St. Mary’s University. Click here to register
Jul 29 - Chicago - Annual Barbeque, at Joanne and Gene DeMuro’s, 114 Mary St, Winnetka, IL. Contact: Gene DeMuro
Jul 30 - Syracuse - Monthly Birthday Party at Malta House. Arrive by 2:30 PM. Contact: Kathy Mezzalingua
Aug 3 - Syracuse - First Friday Mass and Speaker at 7 AM. Contact: Margaret Martin
Aug 15 - Montgomery County, MD - Malta House Anniversary Celebration, at 2 PM Contact: Valencia Camp
Aug 23 - Milwaukee - Special Mass for Defense of the Faith and Dinner at Holy Rosary Church, Milwaukee. Contact: Sam Ciccarelli
Aug 25 - Charlotte - Lourdes Reunion. Save the date. Mass late afternoon, with reception to follow. Contact: Jerry Schmitt
Oct 21 - Washington, DC - Fifth annual CRUDEM benefit for Hopital Sacre Coeur, at Georgetown Visitation School, 1554 Mass at 10 AM followed by a champagne brunch from 11 to 1.