Order of Malta Moment
June 15, 2012

St. John the Baptist, Pray for Us
Constitutional Charter art. 2§1
The purpose of the Order is the promotion of the glory of God through the sanctification of its members, service to the Faith and to the Holy Father, and assistance to one’s neighbor.
Section 6.1- There shall be a reunion or Assemblage of all members in one or more churches or chapels to be selected by the board, on or about June 24 of each year, for the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist, the patron Saint of the Order. Each member shall attend such reunion or assemblage unless it would be a hardship for him or her to be present
We honor St. John the Baptist at our Feast Day Assemblage as outlined in the Federal Association bylaws.
The Patron of our Order is Saint John the Baptist. Unlike other saints, whose feast days are on or near the date of their 'birth into heaven', his feast day is his birthday, 24 June, which is celebrated everywhere by the Order of Malta as its “National Day”. And so it is, when we are at the time of year farthest from the celebration of Christ’s birth on December 25, that St. John, our patron, points the way to the Lord.
When the original hospice of our Order, the guest house for pilgrims, was established in Jerusalem by some merchants from Amalfi in the mid-eleventh century, it was set up next to the walls of the Church of St John. Their work was dedicated to St John, and he was taken as their Patron.
At that time, if one wanted a patron, one wanted a powerful one, and St John the Baptist was just about as close to the Lord as one could get. Lord Jesus had called him the greatest of all prophets. A prophet before his birth, John ‘leapt in his mother’s womb’ to proclaim the Lord, and in his life, he was the epitome of living in obedience, in poverty and in self-sacrifice, as well as dedication to serving others. He suffered much in guiding the people in the path of the Lord, and suffered martyrdom for his efforts.
The Bull of Pope Paschal II, dated 15 February 1113, approved the institution of the fraternity "of The Hospital of Saint John" at Jerusalem, which was understood to be of St John the Baptist. May we continue to aspire to serve the Lord, through the model of the humility and self-sacrifice of our Patron Saint, as we join with the members of the Order in praying for our rededication to His service. - Fra’ James-Michael von Stroebel (Celebrations of the Feast continue throughout June; see the Upcoming Events list).
While robing before participating in the St. John’s Day Masses or at any time during the year, consider saying the following prayer as you robe. The prayer which follows below can be said when you remove your robe.
Prayer for Robing
Clothe me, Lord, with the robe of salvation,
and have me wear the mantle of justice.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer While Removing Robes
Lord God, giver of peace and love,
grant us true submission to your Will,
and fill our hearts with brotherly love,
through Christ, our Lord.
To Everything, There is a Season
Kansas City Order of Malta members and families and 14 students from Benedictine College helped weed, trim, and plant the Shrine Gardens on the Little Sisters of the Poor’s Jeanne Jugan Center.
Nominations for Officers and Board are Due July 1
Under the new articles of the Federal Association, candidates for office self-nominate if they want to run. Nomination forms and letters from members nominating other members will not be considered. Members interested in running for President or Director should complete a Nomination Form and return it to the office on or before July 1, 2012. An electronic version of the form is available in the Member Section of the Federal Association web site, or click here.
Executive officers are elected by the Board of Directors after the election of new Directors and the President. The offices of Vice President, Hospitaller, and Chancellor are subject to election this year. Members may self-nominate for these positions as well, although the due date for the nomination forms is later, after the final ballot tabulation. Questions regarding the election process may be directed to Jane Belford, DM, Chair, Nominating Committee or click here to email.
Lourdes Pilgrimage Reunion
July 20 – 21, 2012
All former Lourdes pilgrims are invited to the Reunion - National Shrine Grotto of Lourdes - Mount St. Mary’s University and Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Click here to register
Upcoming Events:
Jun 19 - Wash DC - St. John the Baptist Mass & Reception; St. Matthew's Cathedral; 6:30 PM; His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl, celebrant. Click here for RSVP form
Jun 20 - Baltimore - Please note the new date and information for the Mass of St. John. St. Ignatius Church 5:30 PM Mass with dinner following at the Maryland Club. Contact: Loretto Kane
June 21 - Pittsburgh - Feast of St. John the Baptist; Bishop David Zubik will celebrate mass at the Oratory at 6:30 PM; dinner will follow at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association. Contact: Dan McGrogan
Jun 22 - Lancaster, PA - Federal Association's primary observance of the Feast of St. John the Baptist; Mass - St. Mary's Church, 6:00 PM; dinner at the Hamilton Club. Contact: Pat Whalen
Jun 22 - Chicago - Feast of St. John the Baptist, Mass will be celebrated by Francis Cardinal George, 6:00 PM Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Dinner at the Glen View Golf Club. Contact: Linda Kuczma
Jun 22 - Houston - Feast of St. John. Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Seminary Chapel, His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, celebrant at 6 PM. Dinner follows at the Forest Club. Contact: Marcus Menough
Jun 23 - Montgomery County - "Celebrate Summer" Party for St. Ann's Infant and Maternity Home - 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Chevy Chase. Contact: Chrissy Page
Jun 23 - Columbus - St. John the Baptist Mass - 5pm St. John the Baptist Church. Contact: Charles Mifsud
Jun 24 - Kansas City, MO - St. John the Baptist Mass and Dinner - at the home of Chuck and Jackie Sullivan. Contact Georgia Lynch for details
Jun 24 - Dallas - St. John the Baptist Mass and Dinner with Bishop Farrell as celebrant 4:00 PM St. Monica Church, followed by dinner. Contact: Theresa Martter
Jun 24 - Memphis - Feast of St. John the Baptist - Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Steib at 5:30 PM at Holy Rosary Church, followed by dinner at the Memphis Country Club. Contact: Robert Hutton
Jun 24 - Charlotte - Feast of St. John the Baptist Mass will be at 4:00 PM at the home of Ray and Cydne Farris. Bishop Curlin will be the celebrant. Contact: Jerry Schmitt
Jun 27 - NoVa - Defense of the Faith meeting, 7 PM followed by pot luck supper both at the home of George and Carmen Egge. Contact: Dr. Terry White
Jun 28 - Atlanta - 6:30 PM. Defense of the Faith, Holy Spirit Church Side C, McDonough Hall. 7 PM. Feast of St. John the Baptist. Mass in the Church followed by dinner in McDonough Hall. Contact: Diane Festa
Jul 7 - Hyattsville, MD - Malta House, Family and Friends Fourth of July Celebration, at Noon; volunteers needed. Contact: Valencia Camp