Order of Malta Moment
January 20, 2012
Regions Plan Anointing Masses Under the Patronage of Our Lady of Lourdes
Plans are being made across the Regions for a Mass for the Anointing of the Sick, many of which are scheduled between Feb 11 (the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and recognized as the World Day of the Sick), and throughout March. Plans are underway in Houston, Lafayette, LA, Northern VA, Columbus, Washington/Montomery County and Kansas City, among other regions, including Atlanta.
The Atlanta Region of the Federal Association began in 1995; today there are over 50 members living in the metro area. Archbishop Wilton Gregory serves as the Conventional Chaplain of the Order, and Monsignor Edward Dillon of Holy Spirit Catholic Church serves as Magistral Chaplin.
In Atlanta, the Order has focused much of its recent volunteer effort on working on a variety of projects in support of the Solidarity School, a private Catholic preschool which is operated as a part of a larger outreach to the local Latino community. These projects have included establishing a medical clinic, participating in an annual Christmas pageant and graduation ceremony, and general maintenance and beautification of the facility.
As a special project this year the Atlanta region will sponsor for the second time, a Mass for the Anointing of the Sick, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Atlanta on Saturday, February 11 at 11 AM. Monsignor Edward Dillon will serve as the principal celebrant and he will be joined by several local clergy. Members of the Order dedicated to their mission of serving the sick will be available at the Mass to assist anyone in need, and handicap access will be provided. Questions can be directed to Mary Savarese, DM.
New Leadership for HSC in Haiti; More Medical Professionals Visit and Help
(L-R) Dr. Ross Neville, Dallas prospective candidate, Dr. Michael Cho, Dr. Richard Toussaint, KM and Dr. Max Farley, assisting in surgery in Haiti, at Hopital Sacre Coeur.
Two years after the devastating earthquake rocked Haiti, volunteers from the Order of Malta continue to work to restore broken bodies and lives. At the Hospital sponsored by the Order in Cap Haitian, the work continues. Beginning January 1, the leadership of CRUDEM was undertaken by Dr. George Butler, KM of the American Association in New Jersey, who assumed the leadership role from Dr. Peter Kelly, KM. Dr. Butler, an OB/GYN by training, will continue the fine work for the people and the ministry of the Order. Any medical professionals interested in volunteering should click here. Recently, members from the Federal Association in Dallas visited Hopital Sacre Coeur and assisted in a work week.
Welcome Maggi Mulvihill
The Federal Association welcomes Margaret (Maggi) Mulvihill as its new Administrative Assistant. Maggi is a native of Limerick, Ireland and is a graduate of the College of Art and Design in Limerick and Kilroys College in Dublin. She immigrated to the United States in the mid-90s and has spent most of her professional career in New York City. She has worked as an executive assistant at the Direct Marketing Association, the Anna-Livia Group, and Goldman Sachs in NYC, and recently ran her own business teaching clients how better to use technology and social media. Maggi is the mother of four children and recently moved to Silver Spring, MD. Cead mile failte, Maggi.
Revisions Needed for 2012 Membership Directory
This week and next we are updating the print edition of the 2012 Handbook and Membership Directory. Please take a look at your information in the 2011 Directory –especially your home, business and email addresses—and let the office know if changes need to be made. Click here to send any revisions.
Dues are Not Due--YET
Many have asked about the notice for the 2012 Annual Dues. The dues notice will be sent out in mid-February, and the first payment ($1,200 or partial) will be due on March 15. Members will be given the option of paying in full or in 10 incremental payments using the Faith Direct payment system.
Bylaws Vote Needed by February 3
This week, you should have received a new ballot for your vote on the Bylaws. This new ballot has a yellow envelope (with no signature, to ensure privacy) and an external white envelope with a return address. This is to ensure that each member’s ballot is received, but that the vote is confidential. It is in accordance with the bylaws from Rome regarding elections.
If you voted previously, you will need to vote again. Please return your responses by Feb 3, 2012.
Upcoming Events:
Jan 20 - Lancaster - Sanctity of Life Mass at St. Leo the Great Church, 7 PM. Bishop Kevin Rhoades, celebrant. Contact: Pat Whalen
Jan 20-21-Jacksonville, FL- Annual Florida Retreat, Marywood Retreat Center, Rev. Richard Fragomeni. Click Here.
Jan 21 - Dallas -Sanctity of Life and Pro-Life March in downtown Dallas. Contact: Theresa Martter
Jan 23 - Wash, DC - Mass and March for Life. Mass at the Blessed JP II Shrine (formerly JP II Center). Click here for more information.
Jan 26 - Kansas City - Lourdes Pilgrimage “Missioning Event” at the home of Dick and Bernadette Miller. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Raymond Boland, a video on the Pilgrimage will be shown and information on the Lourdes Pilgrimage will be shared. Contact: Georgia Lynch
Feb 4 - Wash, DC - St. Ann’s Valentine’s Day Party, 4-6 PM at St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity Home. Contact: Chrissy Page
Feb 6 - Charlotte - Room at the Inn at St. Peter’s Catholic Church. Contact: Barbara Laughlin
Feb 11 - Houston - Anointing Mass, St. Michael’s Church. Contact: Kate Signorelli
Feb 11 - Wash DC - Malta House - Senior-Junior Prom at 2:00 PM. Contact: Valencia Camp
Feb 11 - Atlanta - Mass of the Anointing of the Sick, 11 AM Holy Spirit Catholic Church; Msgr. Edward Dillon is principal celebrant. Contact: Mary Savarese
Feb 11 - Chicago - Mass and Annointing of the Sick, 11 AM Little Sisters of the Poor 2325 N. Lakewood Ave, followed by lunch. Contact: Mary Armato
Feb 11 - Chicago - Volunteers are needed to pack boxes of supplies at the Mission Outreach. Contact: Linda Kuzma
Feb 21 - Baltimore - Order of Malta volunteers join in with the Mission Helpers to prepare a meal for 80 women. Contact: Margie Counselman
Feb 23 - Kansas City - Memorial Mass for deceased members of the Order, 4:30 PM Notre Dame de Sion Lower School. Contact: Georgia Lynch
Feb 26-Mar 2, 2012 - New Orleans Home Repair Program work week. Click here for info and sign up.
Mar 5 - Charlotte - Room at the Inn at St. Peter’s Catholic Church. Contact: Barbara Laughlin
Mar 9 - Columbus, OH - Mass for the Anointing of the Sick, 6 PM. St. John the Baptist Church. Contact: Charles Mifsud
Mar 10 - Kansas City - Anointing of the Sick Cure of Ars Church, 9 AM with Archbishop Keleher. Contact: Georgia Lynch
Mar 13 - Wash DC - Lenten Evening of Reflection - 6:30 PM - Church of the Annunciation. Mass, followed by soup supper and Lenten reflection by Monsignor John Enzler. Click here for more information.